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The Power of a 
Searcher first Mentality

As a private equity fund with committed capital we never forget our investors win when the Searcher wins.  Yes, we provide search fund capital, but we bring more than that...


Adding Value

Taking Your Search Fund journey to
the Next Level

Operating Experience

Bruce & Trevor have walked every step of the Searcher's journey: searching, acquiring, operating, selling and transitioning leadership.  As such, not only have they experienced the inevitable challenges Searchers will face, they have the empathy and patience needed to be a supportive partner.

Transaction Assessment

The ability to evaluate an investment opportunity with over 100 years of combined experience isn't just good for our investors but for our searchers as well.  There may be times when we advise against a transaction, but more often than not we help searchers identify risks and how to structure around them.  All with the objective of maximizing the searchers carry, and thereby our returns.


Egos have no place at Blue Frame.  We know when we don't have the best answer and are prepared to dig into our networks to surround searchers with the best help needed.  Sometimes that's a lawyer, a bank, a consultant, another investor or another Searcher!



Years of Experience


Investor Networks to Access


Acquired operating companies

(and counting!)


Underlying Schools Backed

White Brick Wall


What makes us a good Partner?

A searcher’s journey is deeply personal.

All are incredibly talented with multiple career options.  Yet they’ve decided to forgo the more predictable path for one of entrepreneurship.

You will be asked to take significant personal and reputational risk as you test yourself to find whether you’ve got the skills to find, acquire, lead and build a world class organization.  

However, you will find there is nothing more exhilarating and fulfilling than successfully completing this journey.

But to do so, every searcher will need help.


Blue Frame is committed to using every bit of our experience and resources to make our partners as successful as possible. 

We’ve been in your shoes!

As former searchers we know the challenges you will face.  We also know how motivating it is to have value adding investors behind you, helping you evaluate the logic of your decisions and encouraging you to consider a range of options.  All while rooting for your success. 

Blue Frame is ready to support your successful journey with everything we have.

White Brick Wall

What's with the crooked picture frame?

When you enter a room and see a crooked picture frame something almost always happens.  You’ll walk over and straighten the frame to make sure it looks “correct”. 

“Correct” with what?

Correct with the way you believe things should be. 


Nobody told you to act.  You simply knew what to do and did it.

We believe that type of self motivation can be really interesting if created in a business. 

We’ve found that some organizations are managed by fear and coercing staff.  Others are managed by offering incentives and rewards.  The issue is neither approach is self-sustaining.  As soon as you remove the fear or incentive, the motivation stops. 

However, there are a few really great organizations that use a different approach.  Instead, the environment encourages everyone to take their own initiative in moving towards a common set of goals. 

When the compelling opportunity for a business is painted so clearly in each of the minds of the team, anything less than an ideal reality will look like a crooked picture frame.

The result?

Each person will feel motivated to get up, walk across the room and push on the frame. 


When an entire organization behaves this way, extraordinary results can happen!

Meet Our Team

Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

Blue Frame Capital Partners offers a compelling combination of proven operating and investing experience in the North American search fund space.


Investment Criteria



We focus on North American transactions.  Primarily Canada and the US but we will also consider opportunities in Mexico.  Our team lives on both sides of the border and we have a balanced list of investors across the continent.



With the exception of retail, natural resources and real estate we are relatively industry agnostic.  However, we do pay attention to classic search fund parameters such as predictable revenue, low customer concentration, industry growth and solid unit economics.


Good People

We love seeing passion, optimism, coach-ability, critical thinking,  a record of high achievement and humble confidence.  But this isn't a one-way street and we aspire to demonstrate these traits as well.



"Our relationship with Bruce and Trevor has been the most important and helpful one that we have cultivated on this incredible journey so far. During our search, they not only provided us with the right guidance but also made the most important introductions along with ‘behind-the-scenes’ support to ensure our deal closed successfully. They now lead our board, and we rely on them heavily for guidance on leadership, strategy, people, and financial prudence. I usually highly encourage searchers to have successful searcher-CEOs in their close group of advisors. Trevor and Bruce are among the very best."

Zain Ishaq & Vadym Kononenko 




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